Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Is a very long word with lots of syllables. If you look really fast it almost looks like, Confederate. Or... constipation... or concerned. Or... Connecticut. So I could see why its meaning and stability has almost vanished from the face of the EARTH.


As you know, I could live in another universe.. In fact, if I could create my own universe, different sorts of people would be sent to different planets just to learn a thing or two about themselves. Instead of mirrors and hard lessons learned, in my universe, a person might wake up to find that they had been teleported to another place where they would be surrounded by people just like them but worser. (yes i know). Anyways, this way they could grasp a concept of what its like dealing with themselves day to day.

For example...

I would probably be sent to the planet called, "Biz-Nitch" at least 4 times a year. I would experience what its like for people to be brutally honest with me despite my stupid little feelings. Every moment for an entire weekend, I would have my feelings hurt so much my life would seem like spec of cow manurer on a flies butt crack. I would be reminded that respecting others feelings is important to the overall happiness of mankind. When I returned home to my planet "Getreala" i would skip around like a small princess passing out milk duds and those ugly ass yellow flowers that grow with weeds to all of the people in my neighborhood until i started to act up again.

After leaving Biz-Nitch, right before returning home, I would then be flown off to the planet "Venus", (Yes, my universe has a Venus too), where I would know exactly what it feels like to be loved unconditionally despite my very immature and inappropriate behavior. My flaws would never be put on a shelf for viewing at some college of psychology.I would be great no matter what. I would be given a kiss for every GREAT thing I said. Including the phrase "god bless you" after sneezes. Every smile and everything that makes me such a beautiful, fabulous, skinny, perfect, and wonderful woman would go rewarded. (In Venus that's what I am , basically I'm like queen of the entire human race in Venus). I would come back home kicking every man women and child who called me negative, bitter, or showed lack of appreciation for me. For everyone else I would surprise them with Range Rovers dipped in chocolate with a cute puppy inside that had a license plate that had a cool phrase, until I would return to my state of depression where i would then be sent back to VENUS to learn to love myself once again.

you get the point.

Back to this consideration word..

Its a big word to some, irrelevant to others, but it does exist, somewhere in this insane world. Some people can be so caught up in their own little phony lives that they can't see the people who believe in them, who are actually interested in all of their bogus dreams and flaws standing in front of their face. Standing their in the street ready to stop traffic so that that person can make their way.. Putting that individual before themselves. Having enough consideration to have that person in their daily thoughts. Just right there you know? In the face. I have definitely been brushed off and kicked to the streets for some inconsiderate loser to take the place, which has lead me to also being the inconsiderate one. Yes. Perfect little me. Not because that's who I am, that would be much easier to swallow. Mostly, because so many people who walk this earth are so inconsiderate to others. Its like, ok to be that way. I have shaped my life to fit my environment I guess. Humans' humanly right of selfishness has REQUIRED me to become a down right selfish wench. A defense mechanism if you will.

I love excuses. NOT! They're so not cool , but they work, so back off!

Before you go preaching and thinking this OVER EXAGGERATED topic is me talking about myself....like, before you give me the others shouldn't dictate you and all you need is jesus, yadi yadi yadi spill....

Think of it this way. If you're a happy down home southern bell from doppity do, Alabama, and you move to new york where you reside for a couple of years, no matter what you said before.. Now you walk faster, you usually have a serious look on your face, you don't wear your favorite college team apparel to a nice restaurant anymore, you don't drink "sweet tea" as much, and you're definitely not as trusting as you use to be. Its just how the cookie crumbles.

Consideration is cool tho, because no ones doing it. Its like the whole "green planet" concept. I want to make CONSIDERATION like THE NEW THING. If we all thought about considering someones feelings, time, compassion, someone's circumstances, emotions, etc, etc., life would be better. It just would. Everyone would pick flowers from golden fields and let puppies lick their face, because life would be BETTER.

Consideration, Getcha some. I like that already.

via the dodge avenger at 330am.