Monday, January 12, 2009


So here it is a new year and it seems that its been a year since my last post. I'm back! Thanks to a friend and their much needed inspiration, im in attempts to keep it current.

Here's to a start of a new blog... HEALING

Break-ups are as traumatizing as some fucked up kid going to school and shattering the lives of not so innocent kids in hopes to prove to their peers that their lives aren't as minuscule as their peers made their lives to be. Like when you hear about those shoot-outs on the news, you feel bad for those kids who were shot, but something in your measly heart also is sympathetic to the shooters. like you can see how someone can get to their last straw..... BAD break-ups are like being shot 25 times in the thigh, stabbed 14 times in the right foot, being hung by your eyelid, falling from the 8th floor, breaking both legs and arms, getting your teeth knocked out, and no longer being able to speak without a special machine, and still managing to survive through it all. Yes really i'm that drama. It will take awhile to get back to the old you. Maybe a couple of surgeries. Thousands of dollars in debt. Your life flashing before your eyes over and over again. Depression. Hopelessness. Lots of medication. Very experienced specialists in law, medicine, psychiatry, and illegal substances . Support from your closest and most adored family and friends. Loneliness. Shattered dreams. Etc. Etc. Unfortunately, through all of the nonsense...Unfortunately, you will survive.

There is no source for measuring your healing process. It may be years, days, seconds, months.. You can even measure your healing with the massive amounts of cookies and cakes you will consume. Or even countless fill-in boyfriends or girlfriends, shots, blunts, articles of clothing, or hours spent in the gym. Once you figure out how your soul heals, you will then trail down a pathetic path of trying to find your self worth , and just getting to know who you are. Like rebirth so to speak. Because after a bad break-up you will become a new person. If you thought you were Tasha before, you are kidding yourself.. Now you are Sasha, the warrior and fighter for all of the squirrels of the Mongolian Jungles. Hopefully for you,during the walk down the desperate road, there is a very dim light.

This new year im hopeful. Which is great because last year it was like a power outage in Las Vegas. It was like, Nightmare on Elm Street, but i was just like the tree in the dark woods. I couldnt even be chased, or scared out of mind, or even murdered. Just in the background, mad because I wasnt in the movie. This year will be one of hope, i see the very very very Dim light. (basically trying to fool myself at this point). But seeing the very small, tiny light is like HUGE. Its like the difference between a 7 and an 8 on a males rating scale of women. (thanks to a very cool friend who put that in perspective for me, i can use that as reference to life). HOPE and HEAL. Both words should meet each other at a mall food court, fall in love instantly, and make love every night until they have lots of kids, and name them RICHard, HAPPYonia, LAUGHtrosha, and SoFUNia . Like I swear i would babysit for free!

Im just trying to sew it up this year. Get it together and keep it that way.

Basically, every post will consist of my sorry attempts to do so.